mdwEditor Markdown Editor for Windows OS

Markdown Editor for Windows OS : Download

This application can edit Markdown file and show HTML preview.

You don’t need to install this application, just download, put it into a folder you wanted and run.




Save md file and update html view.


Change focus between Edit View and Html View, and switch the View size.


change to



Show Markdown Syntax Dialog.

Syntax Dialog

You can insert markdown syntax code to your document by pressing these keys:

C : Code Block
G : Image
L : Link
R : Horizontal rule
T : Table

Hotkey to insert Markdown Syntax Code:

ctrl-q+c : Code Block
ctrl-q+g : Image
ctrl-q+l : Link
ctrl-q+r : Horizontal rule
ctrl-q+t : Table

Export Html:

[File]->[Export Html] Export the html file to a file you selected.

CSS Change:

[View]->[CSS Change] You can use your CSS file to replace the default CSS Style.

CSS Default:

[View]->[CSS Default] Restore default CSS Style. Previous CSS file will be delete.

Published: August 06 2013

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